The World's Safest Eco Dust Suppressant


WHOA Dust® Arena Dust Control 

100% Safe and Biodegradable




We offer effective, economical solutions for your problem footing.

If you’re here, it’s because you are having challenges with your footing. Let us know what the problem is, and we’ll help you to solve your footing problems.


WHOA Dust® controls the dust in your arena by simply charging the neutral dust particles floating in the air to a negative state. The dust is pulled down and no longer suspended in the air. Moisture is also retained longer in your footing, reducing the need to water by a minimum of 50%, and clients report up to a 75% reduction. WHOA Dust® will control the dust and moisture needed to optimize safety and comfort for you and your horse. Your horse will focus on you and not the next step.


Packing can be a significant problem in horse arenas – but there is a remedy.  WHOA Dust® plus regular grooming will optimize the moisture into your arena footing to prevent packing, and you  will be able to achieve a safe and comfortable riding surface for you and your horse. Moisture and grooming are essential to any arena footing. WHOA Dust® optimizes the moisture to keep your footing from re-tightening. The end result will be a desirable surface texture for riding. Your horse will focus on what you are asking and not his next step.


Arena footing displacement is a frequent complaint of arena owners, and this can be the cause of horse and rider injuries. Arena footing that rolls as you and your horse pivot can cause the horse to loose balance and confidence. . WHOA Dust® is both a binder and flocculant. The flocculation ensures moisture is maintained longer in your footing, allow the footing to have binding capacity. This will give you a desirable surface texture for riding. WHOA Dust® will improve your arena footing with improved traction and concussion support. Your horse will focus on what you are asking and not his next step.

How WHOA Dust™ works:

WHOA Dust® will put life back into your footing; giving the spring back while ensuring accurate and even moisture retention

WHOA Dust® is a dust control product that will reduce the frequency and amount of moisture needed to control dust and improve the texture and consistency of arena footing.

WHOA Dust® links the microscopic dust particles into a network and changes these to a negative state. The network of dust particles is now heavier and drops to the ground.

WHOA Dust® works with most footing additives, and will also rejuvenate tired footing. By keeping the moisture level consistent for a longer period of time, you will reduce your watering costs and labor, and give your horse a great surface for working.

Rain rejuvenates WHOA Dust® in outdoor arenas; it is not washed out or diluted by rain.

Most arenas cost under $500 and will last up to 16 months!

(80’ x 160 x 3” deep footing application and maintenance amounts)
It works on the fundamentals of physics and does not rely on harsh, leaching chemicals to achieve its goal. Conventional dust control products often bind footing together too tightly, offering a short-term solution and a long-term problem.
Suitable for use in these areas ​

Is WHOA Dust® Right For Me?

WHOA Dust® arena dust control is meant for horse arena owners but can also be used by dog agility arena owners, or on dusty roads or construction sites. Anyone who works in dusty environments and needs a dust suppressant can use this product and its unique properties.


WHOA Dust® will improve your horse arena footing by controlling dust and providing improved traction and good concussion support – all necessary if your horse is to concentrate on what you are asking and not the next step. The product is both a flocculant and a binder: it will optimize moisture within the arena footing and by doing so, knit together the surface to prevent displacement and provide secure footing for your horse. WHOA Dust® reduces the frequency and amount of moisture needed by a minimum of 50%, and clients report up to a 75% reduction. Controlling arena dust and footing texture is important if you are to enjoy your horse arena. Technical support is available to answer your questions about WHOA Dust® and your horse arena footing. Learn More


During competition or training, having a secure footing is important. WHOA Dust® is a non- aggressive binder, that delivers dust-free footing and provides excellent traction, stability and cushion. A more consistent surface will allow the dogs to focus on the next obstacle and their handlers. WHOA Dust™ is non-toxic and non-corrosive, and is safe for pup paws, noses and mouths. Dogs can run, dig, jump and roll all they want in footing treated with WHOA Dust®. Technical support is available to answer your questions about WHOA Dust® and your dog agility arena. Learn More


WHOA Dust® controls the dust by knitting together the loose aggregate which assists with compacting and setting up the gravel. WHOA Dust® reduces the need for grader support while keeping the dust down. The product is designed to withstand heavy traffic yet be cost-effective enough to be used as a road dust suppressant. WHOA Dust® has no negative side-effects on the environment and can be used in designated natural areas without damage to fauna or flora. WHOA Dust® is also used for a wide range of other applications including erosion control, waste dumps, tailings ponds, construction sites and unpaved surfaces. WHOA Dust® can be applied in granular or dissolved form. Technical support is available to assist with determination of the amount and application of the product. Learn More


How to Apply WHOA Dust®

Moisten, groom, apply, groom and water. No need for expensive equipment or protective gear, anyone can safely and easily apply. Use the equipment you already have! 

Prep Your footing

Apply - Groom - Apply

Water - Wait & Ride!


Every order is tendered with a custom application and instructional form for customer support. The initial application can be done in under 2 hours, and can be ridden on right after. We do recommend to allow 12-24 hours for best results. 

Moisten footing if dry, slight moisture is all that is needed. If the footing is dry, WHOA Dust® will fall through the footing to the base and be difficult to activate. If footing is too wet – it is difficult to mix into the footing. Groom the top surface of the footing; ideally use a chain link fence, or diamond harrow upside down. NOTE: Do not harrow or groom more than 1” to 1.5” deep.


Spread instructed amount on your arena surface using a handheld broadcast seeder or large rubber tire push spreader. Set spreader to smallest hole. Lightly groom the surface – ideally no deeper than 1”. You are simply setting the WHOA Dust® into the top of your footing. Fully Soak to the base. Soak the footing in a way that you do not puddle, but ensure footing is fully soaked. Groom vigorously to base.


Following Day: Sprinkle the surface of footing with water.

You will not need to water as much or as long as when you installed.

Vigorously groom the footing to complete the application process.

Time to go and ride!

NOTE: You can ride in arena right after application; but we recommend leaving it for a few hours for best results.

Don’t take our word for it

These people have been WHOA'd

This winter was the easiest winter we have had in terms of arena maintenance. With virtually no watering, the footing stayed moist and consistent. It did not move or shift near as much as before and the outside track could handle a lot more traffic before it needed to be raked. So far I have been very happy with the results of WHOA Dust® and would recommend it to anyone."

Topline Stable & Show Park
Topline Stable & Show Park

Sonya Campbell

As a boarding facility using well water, it is always a challenge to keep our arena footing watered. We started using WHOA DUST® two summers ago and will never be without it! We went from watering every day to 2 times per week with the implementation of WHOA DUST™. In the winter months we will only need to water once a week if that. Our arena is a sand/dirt mix and the Whoa Dust works amazing.

White Dove Stables
White Dove Stables


We had WHOA Dust® applied to our central riding arena in Silver Lakes, CA. We have noticed a diminished dust and water retention under the surface is realized! Great product and wonderful customer service!

Equestrian Center
Equestrian Center

Silver Lakes


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